Monday, August 30, 2010

2 Weeks Old

Khalil is 2 Weeks Old!!!
We are ecstatic that our little guy is 2 weeks old. He has been wonderful since we brought him home. Yes there have been moments when we have questioned whether we can handle being parents of a newborn but in the next moment we do what we always do when faced with an obstacle, band together and tackle the task as a team. We really believe that parenting like every other life adventure/obstacle is a team sport and will only be accomplished well if we work together.
As a last hoorah before Eryn had to go back to work today we celebrated Khalil's two week birthday anniversary by taking him to the coast yesterday. We have been wanting to take him to the coast since before he was born and have been talking about how much fun it would be for him to go and experience the salty air, see Daddy surf, and be out of the house. The Oregon Coast is fickle with its weather patterns, and yesterday we were expecting 60 degrees, wind and cold and what we got was sun, 70 degrees and hardly any wind at all. It was such an amazing day.

I was nervous about being home by myself for the first time today as Eryn had to go back to work. Khalil didn't make my nervousness go away since he had a rough night. He woke up every hour and a half hungry but would only eat for 10 min when it normally takes him an hour then fall asleep. In the process of the night I started praying that God would give me the strength to be the best mom I could be today because that is what he deserves and he can't help that he keeps waking up. God answered my prayer by him sleeping in this morning so that I could prepare for the day. When he finally awoke today he was in such a good mood and has been all day. He did 10 min of tummy time without fuss, had a bath and has been on schedule all day.
All I have to say is God is Good...( I would say this even if we didn't have such a relaxed and wonderful day.)
I have been officially inaugurated into the mommy club. I have been peed on, spit up on and now am learning how to take care of myself and him at the same time.

Well nap time is almost over so here is to being a new mom, alone with her new baby, and feeling grateful to have my new son to occupy my day.

Grace and peace

Jasmine, Eryn and Khalil

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 1

Well our little guy has been home for a week and everything is going sooo well. We are enjoying every minute of his life. It feels like he has always been here with us.
He has been a good baby. When we brought him home he was sleeping 3-4 hour stints at night. Then last night he slept a full 6 hours then another 4. My Dad and Step-Mom came up to see him. We all had a really good visit.
I don't think there is anything that truly prepares you for parenthood. Mainly how much you love them and would do anything for them.
We took our first family walk last night we didn't get very far but it was still a good walk.
I know it's not much to report on but for us it has been the best week of our lives together.

Enjoy the pictures


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Baby Khalil Is Here!

He is here!
After much waiting we can finally say that he has arrived! His grand entrance was quick and for the most part pain free.
I recommend hypnobirthing to anyone who is looking for a little more direction in birth. It was great for Eryn and I because he was able to direct me to a place where I was able to stay calm and relaxed for 99% of our birth.
Enough about hypnobirthing on to the good stuff...
He arrived on 8-15-10 at 12:15 pm weighing in at 6lbs 11oz and 20in long just 30 min after we arrived at the hospital.
He is our little miracle baby when he was born the midwife (Katie Robins...who we love) noticed a problem with his placenta that wasn't caught on his ultrasound. Her first comment after he was born was that he must have had a guardian angel in there with him. We are so grateful that he his here, healthy, and thriving without any negative effects from the complication.
We are also thankful for the prayers throughout our entire pregnancy for his safe and healthy arrival. Some had commented that we did look like we were having twins at one point and now I am convinced that it was his angel in there protecting him and making sure he arrived. I know that because Eryn and I offered up prayers that he would be a great man of God some day that he will be because he is a gift from God.
Please pray for his faithfulness to abound in all things and for him to love the Lord with all of his heart, soul and mind for all eternity.
After one day in the hospital where we were treated very well we came home because honestly there is nothing more comfortable than your own couch and bed.
Eryn and I are doing really well. We have started him on a schedule and are tag teaming the middle of the night fussiness. He has been a really good baby. He only cries when he needs something or is naked. It's all pretty manageable.
Since we went into labor Eryn has been my rock. He has been amazing! I can't describe how this life altering event has brought us so much closer together.
He is a natural Dad. Having not been around babies at all really he has a soothing demeanor that Khalil takes to and likes. He is so much fun to watch love on his son. This morning Khalil opened his eyes wide for the first time since he was born and just stared at Eryn. It's the little things that make life so much fun and exciting.
Kona (our first baby...a mini doxi) has been beside himself trying to figure out what is going on in his house with his parents. When we left for the hospital he was concerned and wanted to comfort me and go with us. Then while we were in the hospital he paced around the house whining and sulking. Since we arrived back home he has been intrigued by the "thing" that is occupying all our time. He gets concerned when Khalil cries or whimpers. He is starting to get protective of the one we call "little brother" and will sit next to his bassinet. Over all I think Kona is going to be a good "big brother".
Well I guess that is all I have to report for now. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures.

God Bless
The Womacks

Friday, August 6, 2010

38 Weeks

This is my first blog post ever. I have Facebook, email, text messaging and a cell phone and yet I have people in my life who still have a hard time getting a hold of me or getting updates on how we are doing. This is my last hope to keep people updated and informed about our lives and how everything is going.
Eryn and I got married September 20,2008 and it was a wonderful day. We spent our honeymoon on Maui thanks to a couple of friends who have a time share there that they gave to us as a wedding gift for a week. It was a good week, Eryn spent the entire week in the water and we saw the Warren and Annabel show. It's a magic show and dinner but it is not cheesy it's highly recommended if anyone goes to Maui.
When we got home we settled into life. I had my cancer treatment and the next year was pretty uneventful.
In December of 2009 we found out we were expecting a new member of the family. After confirming with the doctor and praying that God would guide us in this new adventure on Christmas day we told my Dad and Step Mom that they were going to be grandparents. When we got back to the valley we told Eryn's parents. Everyone was shocked and excited.
Since that time we have been in baby mode.
God has been good to us this year. We have been praying that this pregnancy goes well and that God will keep blessing us with positive attitudes regardless of what happens. This has been a fruitful prayer. He has shown us so much more beyond what we have asked for.
At 20 weeks we saw our little one on the ultrasound for the first time and it was an awe inspiring moment. We found out at that time that we are expecting a BOY!!!
His name is Khalil (pronunciation: Kaleel) Zion Womack. Eryn and I had decided that he would get to pick the boy name and I would pick the girl name. Eryn chose the name Khalil because of his favorite writer Khalil Gibron ( recommended read). Then we chose the name Zion because of the significance in connection with the Old Testement of the Bible and this being referred to as the dwelling place of God and as Christians we believe that God lives in us (we are his vessels). It seemed fitting to give him this name so that as we are teaching him about who God is and what that means to us he will always have the reminder that God chooses to reside in him as he does with all of us.
When we found out we were having a boy we started preparing. We had been praying about finances and came to the realization that we could live on our own and be completely broke 100% of the time or take Eryn's parents up on the offer to live with them. The more we prayed about it the more it became clear that moving in was going to be the better choice.
Since we made the decision to move in we have been getting ready for the little guy. It has been non-stop painting, organizing, bargain hunting, and saving.
Now we are down to the wire. With the move, 2 baby showers, and birthing strategies behind us at 38 weeks we are playing the waiting game.
I already know that he is going to be a lot like his Dad in personality...mellow, go with the flow, un-exciteable. I am curious about what he will look like and I can' t wait to hold him in my arms. I know that since he is like his Dad I can not rush him. I will have to just let him do things his own way on his own time.
God Bless
Jasmine and Eryn Womack